Outdoor Classroom Day on Swanage Seafront

Outdoor Classroom Day on Swanage Seafront

Sara from DCF and Flooding Swanage with artist Andy Knill Art celebrated a rescheduled Outdoor Classroom Day on 23rd in Swanage (due to Storm Ciaran and a yellow weather warning on 2 November!) with a combined total of 153 local pupils from Swanage Primary St George’s Primary School and St Mary’s. Learning about coastal flood protection on site where it happens, the pupils also learnt more about how the artists created their work.

Huge thanks to Andy – remember he starts the first of 4 FREE Talking Art Walk Swanage – monthly Talking Art Walks along the seafront 👣 meet at Andy’s studio on Commercial Rd at 11am. You can collect an art trail leaflet from Swanage Information Centre if you’d like to know more about the project

#EnjoyTheCoast #CoastalConnection #FloodingSwanageWithArt

Read here to find out more > Swanage Town Coastal Protection Scheme | Dorset Coast Have Your Say

Learn more about the temporary wave barriers

Learn more about the temporary wave barriers

Currently, the Environment Agency install seasonal temporary defences to help protect the town from flooding during the winter months – you may know them as the ‘lego blocks’ but their official title is Legarto Blocks. Flood events are not just restricted to the winter season. With increasingly frequent storm events and rising sea levels, coastal engineers are currently working towards the provision of permanent flood protection for Swanage.  

View our video below:

Youth Engagement 

Youth Engagement 

Dorset Coast Forum recognise that local Swanage schools and youth organisations will be interested in the project and the outcomes for Swanage both for coastal flood protection and public realm improvements.

We encourage inquisitive minds to get involved and will be celebrating Outdoor Classroom Day 2023 again on 2 November 2023 – with a guided tour of the new art trail installed along the temporary wave barriers in Swanage – the fourth free event of this kind we have hosted in Swanage.

Contact Sara to find out more about Outdoor Classroom Day, or to book an outreach session for your local organisation throughout the year.