Future Studland Survey Live – Have your say now!

Future Studland Survey Live – Have your say now!

The Future Studland survey is now live! This is a key step in creating a 20 – 50 year plan for the Studland peninsula. Following successful engagement events with residents in early July the survey is now available to all to take part. Whether you are a local resident, a visitor or someone who holds Studland close to your heart, this is an opportunity to help shape the future of this beloved area. The survey responses will inform the Future Studland plan that will shape the stewardship of Studland’s natural beauty and accessibility for future generations.

The survey explores how and when people visit, their connection with its natural landscapes, and the how they use the existing facilities. It will build a picture of the peninsula as it is used now and an provide insight as to how people would like to continue using it whilst facing the challenges of coastal change.

You can take part in the survey here:


Also, look out for the Dorset Coast Forum team popping up on Studland beaches throughout August to engage with Studland visitors and encourage them to share their views by taking part in the survey.

Paper copies of the survey are available at the Studland Village Shop and the National Trust Knoll Beach Visitors Centre.

Drop-in events 9-10 July, Studland Village Hall

Drop-in events 9-10 July, Studland Village Hall

Do you live in Studland or Purbeck?

We’ll be at Studland Village Hall on Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday next week for you to find out more about Future Studland and share your views.

Tuesday 9th July 2-5pm – Studland Residents

Wednesday 10th July – 10am to 4pm – Purbeck Residents

There will be more opportunities to share your views with a survey out soon and more engagement opportunities on Studland beaches over the summer!

Join The Conversation

Join The Conversation

Have your say on Future Studland by dropping in to one our engagement events at the Studland Village Hall on:

9th July – Studland Residents drop in any time between 2pm to 5 pm

10th July – Public event drop in any time between 10am to 4pm